We customize services based on your needs.
BLISSFUL Living Senior Care, Inc. provides affordable, high-quality assistance for seniors. Our services are based on a thorough assessment of each client. We tailor each service to each individual’s needs. We focus on providing assisted living in Charlotte, North Carolina, that will improve the quality of life for our clients in a warm, loving, and caring environment.
We provide the following services:
Apart from the ones mentioned above, we also offer the following services:
- Incontinent management
- 24-hour CNA and medication aide staff
- Medication Management
- Help with bathing grooming and dressing
- Laundry service
- Respite/Hospice Care
- Fresh Home-cooked meals (3 meals & snacks daily)
- Senior medical appointment transportation provided
- Housekeeping and linen services, including daily bed-making and trash removal
- On-call physician with monthly doctor visits in-house
- Medication management and administration
- In-House Beautician
- In-House Podiatry
- Monthly Outing
- Religious Services
- Diabetic Care
- Blood Pressure monitoring
- Increase supervision due to health conscience
Do not hesitate to send us a message to know more about our home.